04 March, 2020, Yukon, Canada - "Yukon to end seasonal time change", Government of Yukon
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Yukon to end seasonal time change
The Government of Yukon announced today that Yukon will end the practice of twice annual seasonal time changes. Following a motion brought forward in May 2017 by MLA Paolo Gallina, the government undertook public engagement on the possibility.
After Yukoners adjust their clocks on March 8, the territory will remain on Pacific Daylight Saving Time.
The recent seasonal time change survey drew more than 4,800 responses from Yukon people and organizations, with most in favour of putting an end to the practice.
The What We Heard report released today shows that 93 per cent of Yukoners who participated want seasonal time changes to stop. Of those, 70 per cent are in favour of permanent Pacific Daylight Saving Time.
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